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Academic Research &

Writing Services

Developing Optimal Writing and Research Solutions

For PhD Aspirants and Scholars

Thesis topic assistance

Topic selection is the first stage in initiating research and it needs specific experience and expertise in a certain area. At the time of choosing the topic, one should know the type of research he want to perform like Theoretical Research, Applied Research, Exploratory Research, Descriptive Research, Explanatory Research, Correlational Research, etc.

To choose a topic, researcher needs to narrow down the wide area of their study field when they are puzzled about picking the proper area for their studies. The Authorsphere is ready to assist them with their PhD thesis topic selection services. We comprehend the numerous personal, academic and career preferences of candidates prior to providing them with thesis topic aid to finalize the appropriate topic for their study.

To perform the choosing process of the thesis subject, we keep several fundamental criteria in mind. In which your interest in the subject is given priority because we know very well that you are going to devote a major portion of your valuable time to explore it in detail over the next few years.

Your supervisor is such a prominent person in your research, his or her approval is necessary. While assisting the study topic, we make sure the factors like availability of its references, interest to readers and journal editors, scope and pass on ethical ground.

Research Proposal/Synopsis Writing

The initial step in initiating the research is a research proposal. A research proposal is a research plan that has been approved by experts to begin your research work. In this part, the researcher gives an overview of the study. The study design presented in the research proposal is anticipated to be of a high standard of authenticity. It is a deciding factor in achieving your research ambitions and accomplishing your doctorate. A research proposal should represent your enthusiasm for the field of study and persuade your supervisors that your unique plan will make a difference in that sector. This work can be made easier by selecting an expert team with a track record of providing custom research proposal writing assistance. Our knowledge will help you in a variety of aspects and ensures that your study proposal will be accepted without a delay.

Thesis Writing Services for PhD

After completing the research work of the doctoral programmes, scholars are required to submit research in the proper thesis form. For an academician, thesis writing is a hugely important and professional factor because it not only affects the present programme they are pursuing, but it also becomes a decisive factor of their career. Despite the importance of a thesis, most inexperienced thesis authors confront numerous challenges. Thesis writers not only do research and document it well but they also have to follow different institutional guidelines and requirements. This complicates things, as researchers are frequently unable to complete their studies within the specified time frame. We have a team of qualified and experienced thesis editors and thesis writers to help scholars.

Our thesis writers can help you with everything from subject selection to final drafting and presentation. All of these writing services are exclusively offered by professionals who have authored or supported, numerous research projects in their field of expertise. As a result, The Authorsphere's thesis editors and writers are fully qualified and experienced enough to complete this task properly. We also distribute the work depending on your study topic to ensure that your thesis projects are completed by thesis editors with extensive experience. Thesis writing is a time-consuming process that needs a significant amount of time, attention, and effort. While you can do it your own but hiring a professional will not only save you time and effort but will also improve your work and provide a firm foundation for your academic future. We assure the quality of professional research work. The Authorsphere's professional team has the knowledge and skills to produce a high-quality thesis.

Review Article Writing

A review article, often defined as a literature review, is an assessment of previously published research on a certain issue. It should provide a summary of the current opinions on the subject and will not present fresh experimental results, unlike an original research article. A review article aims to deliver a critical assessment of existing study data. Review papers can help researchers to discover new study areas to investigate next, and they can also bring in new conclusions from existing information. Writing a review article necessitates a thorough analysis of the text structure as well as its applicability to a certain field of study. Writing of review article for a scholar has many challenges. One has to study the fundamentals of a new area of study or pursue extensive research into the issue. A review paper may also be used to prepare for becoming a proficient writing specialist and the ability to produce a custom-written document with the utmost professionalism.

The objective of article review assignments is for the professor to see whether the scholar understands the topic and can give a specific assessment of its content. They also want to examine the student's expertise on the issue as well as other relevant information in the sector. Don't worry if that's your case. The Authorsphere that specializes in writing services can provide you with the best article review writing services. If you are reading this, you've arrived at the right place. The Authorsphere is a professional service provider dedicated to helping scholars to achieve their highest academic potential. The Authorsphere ensures the highest quality work.

Research Paper Writing

The research paper is a mirror of the quality of your research. This is a very necessary requirement for a PhD degree. Along with the doctorate, it also plays a very important role in your future career. Research writing is an important, time-consuming, and challenging process. A writer must have a high level of proficiency and competence to write a quality article. A new scholar devotes much time to prepare a research paper, and yet the scholar frequently receives rejections after submitting the research paper to a journal. The Authorsphere experts are well aware of this aspect. Our experts understand how to organise a research paper, from its language to its format. Our professionals can achieve this consistently and successfully with our many years of experience. Our experts, having many years of experience, can execute this work systematically and successfully.

Editing and Proofreading

Many top academics, including professors and researchers, have benefited from our editing and proofreading services before their work was selected for publication. We assisted them in getting their manuscript published by resolving several errors. Customers have frequently asked us to evaluate their work after it was first rejected owing to too many mistakes in sentence structure. With our editing and proofreading services, our specialized team of The Authorsphere offers you more credibility in the work you submit. When preparing a scholarly article for publication, the author's instructions provided by academic and scientific journals must be followed precisely. A similar issue might arise if an English-language article includes too many grammatical, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Our academic and scientific journal editors and proofreaders can help you avoid this from happening to your papers by addressing any language issues, correcting your formatting and references to meet journal criteria consistently, and eliminating minor typing errors. Our qualified team can enable you to minimize this risk by thoroughly reviewing the correctness and consistency of your writing and formatting, fixing errors where required, and suggesting possible improvements.

The PhD thesis or dissertation that is required to earn a doctoral degree at universities takes years of planning, research, discussion, writing, and editing, but a scholar can risk rejection after all that work and effort if the university or department guidelines are not followed or the thesis contains too many grammars, spelling, and punctuation errors.

To effectively present complex information, the language used in a document must be clear and precise. Tables and figures must be constructed in such a way that complex data is presented in a visually attractive manner. All other components of the formatting mentioned in the journal's standards must be followed consistently, including references that are accurate, comprehensive, and in the correct style. The Authorsphere may assist you in correcting and polishing these parts of your work, significantly improving your chances of publication.

Book Writing

Books can be invaluable sources for extended scholarly research and should be considered integral parts of the research arsenal. Apart from this book writing also help in increasing Academic Performance Indicator (API) scores which help you to achieve promotion or teaching jobs. The Authorsphere provides you with writing support for this service.

Papers, articles, thesis, and book Publication; Publication of written papers, articles, thesis, books,etc is as difficult as their writing. The Authorsphere provides all technical support in their publications in reputed journals (UGC care, Scopus, and SCI levels) and by publishing houses.

Publication Support Services

Publishing research is a time-consuming and complicated process. Multiple factors related to the selection and subsequent publishing of any research paper by the target journal after submission. Valuable research is sometimes lost because of a lack of resources and information to find the most acceptable platform for academic publication. The Authorsphere Publication Support Services assist the researcher in properly identifying and approaching the appropriate channel for publishing their studies.

These services make it simple for researchers to manage the difficult process of journal publication and reach out to the relevant audience to achieve their target. The Authorsphere publication support services provide Journal Selection, Manuscript Submission Assistant, Proofreading & Formatting, peer review services. The publishing process becomes more difficult and specific at present. Our experienced and expert teams, who have already many publications, will fully assist you in publishing your research papers /articles.

For Graduate and Post Graduate Students

Assignment writing

We offer both report and assignment writing services of the highest quality. Report writing services are not the same as essay writing services. Students are asked to write their assignments in a report style, which requires them to include a table of contents, a table of figures, an appendix, and the use of bullet points, among other things, to make the paper more presentable and readable. On the other hand, Essay writing requires writing a document in paragraphs with little or no relating to the above-mentioned elements. We provide essay writing, report writing, case study analysis, and comprehensive dissertation writing services. If you are reading this, you are at the right place. The Authorsphere is the place to come if you're looking for a professional online assignment writing service. You may take benefits of our expert writing services at a decent price, We are always available to support you.

Dissertation writing

In almost all universities, one or more projects are required to submit while pursuing the master's degree. The main objective for the dissertation is to make the candidate aware of the professional career and to develop a practical understanding of the subject, the benefit of which is given to the candidate after the degree. Therefore, having a decent dissertation report decisive factor of their career.

Despite the importance of a thesis, most inexperienced thesis authors confront numerous challenges. Thesis writers not only do research and document it well but they also have to follow different institutional guidelines and requirements. This complicates things, as researchers are frequently unable to complete their studies within the specified time frame. We have a team of qualified and experienced thesis writers and thesis editors to help scholars.

Our thesis writers can help you with everything from dissertation topic selection to final drafting and presentation. All of these writing services are exclusively offered by professionals who have authored or supported, numerous research projects in their field of expertise. As a result, The Authorsphere thesis editors and writers are fully qualified and experienced enough to complete this task properly. We also distribute the work depending on your study topic to ensure that your dissertation projects are completed by thesis editors with extensive experience. Thesis writing is a time-consuming process that needs a significant amount of time, attention, and effort. While you can do it your own but hiring a professional will not only save you time and effort but will also improve your work and provide a firm foundation for your academic future. We assure the quality of professional research work; The Authorsphere's professional team has the knowledge and skills to produce a high-quality thesis.

Thesis Topic Assistance

Topic selection is the first stage in initiating research and it needs specific experience and expertise in a certain area. At the time of choosing the topic, we should know very well what form of research we want to perform like Theoretical Research, Applied Research, Exploratory Research, Descriptive Research, Explanatory Research, Correlational Research, etc.

To choose a topic, researchers need to narrow down the wide area of their study field. When they are puzzled about picking the proper area for their studies, The Authorsphere is ready to assist them with their thesis topic assistance services. We comprehend the numerous personal, academic, and career preferences of the candidate before providing them with thesis topic aid to finalize the appropriate topic for their study.

To perform the choosing process of the thesis subject, we keep several fundamental criteria in mind. In which your interest in the subject is given priority because we know very well that you are going to devote a major portion of your valuable time to explore it in detail over the next few months/years.

In addition, the approval of your supervisor plays a vital part as he is a very essential individual in your study activity. While assisting the study topic, we make sure the factors like availability of its references, interest to readers and journal editors, scope, and pass on ethical ground.

Thesis writing for Masters

The Authorsphere assists Master's scholars with thesis writing services in a variety of sectors. We offer assistance with experimental thesis writing by supporting and finding adequate resources, and we also assist with theoretical work by providing support for methodological framework and analysis during thesis writing. Plagiarism should never be tolerated in research; this is a critical aspect that The Authorsphere takes seriously. We assure the excellence of professional research work, professional staff of The Authorsphere has the experience and expertise to provide a high-quality thesis.

Review Article Writing

The objective of article review assignments is for the professor to see if the scholar understands the topic and can give a specific assessment of its content. They also want to examine the student's expertise on the issue as well as other relevant information in the sector. Don't worry if that's your case.

The Authorsphere specialises in writing services helps you with the best article review writing services. If you are reading this, you're at the right place. The Authorsphere is a dedicated service provider helping scholars to achieve their highest academic potential. The Authorsphere guarantees high-quality work.

Research Paper Writing

Research paper writing is an important, time-consuming, and challenging process. A writer must have a high level of proficiency and competence to write a quality article. A new scholar devotes much time to prepare a research paper, and yet the scholar frequently receives rejections after submitting the research paper to a journal. The Authorsphere experts are well aware of this aspect. Our experts understand how to organise a research paper, from its language to its format. Our professionals can achieve this consistently and successfully with our many years of experience. Our experts, having many years of experience, can execute this work systematically and successfully.

Editing and Proofreading

We supported several scholars to get their manuscripts published by resolving several errors like grammatical mistakes, formatting, and plagiarism. Customers have frequently asked us to evaluate their work after it was first rejected owing to too many mistakes in sentence structure. With our editing and proofreading services, our specialized team of The Authorsphere offers you more credibility in the work you submit. When preparing a scholarly article for publication, the author's instructions provided by academic and scientific journals must be followed precisely. A similar issue might arise if an English-language article includes too many grammatical, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Our academic and scientific journal editors and proofreaders can help you avoid this from happening to your papers by addressing any language issues, correcting your formatting and references to meet journal criteria consistently, and eliminating minor typing errors. Our qualified team can enable you to minimize this risk by thoroughly reviewing the correctness and consistency of your writing and formatting, fixing errors where required, and suggesting possible improvements.

Publication Support Services

Publishing research is a time-consuming and complicated process. Multiple factors related to the selection and subsequent publishing of any research paper by the target journal after submission. Valuable research is sometimes lost because of a lack of resources and information to find the most acceptable platform for academic publication. The Authorsphere Publication Support Services assist the researcher in properly identifying and approaching the appropriate channel for publishing their studies.

These services make it simple for researchers to manage the difficult process of journal publication and reach out to the relevant audience to achieve their target. The Authorsphere publication support service provides Journal Selection, Manuscript Submission Assistant, Proofreading & Formatting, peer review services. The publishing process becomes more difficult and specific at present. Our experienced and expert teams, who have already many publications, will fully assist you in publishing your research papers /articles.

For PhD Holders

Research Proposal For Projects

A research proposal is a document proposing a research project, generally in the sciences or academia, and generally constitutes a request for sponsorship of that research. The research proposal is an important part of the application process. It summarises the question you want to answer through your research and our team will help you in this by providing technical support in writing it.

Book Writing

Books can be invaluable sources for extended scholarly research and should be considered integral parts of the research arsenal. Apart from this book writing also help in increasing Academic Performance Indicator (API) scores which help you to achieve promotion or teaching jobs. Our company provides you with writing support under this service.

Publication of papers, articles, thesis, books

Publishing of written papers, articles, thesis, books,etc is as difficult as their writing. Our company provides all technical support in their publications in reputed journals (UGC care, Scopus, and SCI levels) and by publishing house.

Training and Development

  • Use of Statistical tools: Statistical methods are mathematical formulas, models, and techniques that are used in the statistical analysis of raw research data. The application of statistical tools helps in extracts information from research data and provides different ways to assess the robustness of research outputs. Thus, for any scholar knowledge of statistical tools is essential and we provide short-term courses for statistical tools such as SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences); MATLAB (The Math works); statistical analysis via MS Excel; SAS (Statistical Analysis Software); Statistica and others.
  • Microsoft office: Microsoft Office, or simply Office, is a family of client software, server software, and services developed by Microsoft. In this course, we provide detailed knowledge about the use of all their software like MS Office, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, etc, and also provide a certificate from recognized institutes which also help you in various getting jobs.
  • Presentations of research proposal/conference papers: It is public speaking in which a researcher verbally addressing an audience on a particular research topic. Many students have a problem regarding this. In this course, we improve the ability of scholar regarding communication so that he or she communicates relevant information effectively interestingly and engagingly.
  • PhD entrance interviews: Many students in India clear national or state level exams for PhD but even after such efforts they do not get a PhD in a good University due to their failure during an interview. In this course, we will enhance the communication and technical skill of PhD aspirants so that they will succeed. To remove their hesitation we also conducted mock interviews in which we invited subject experts.
  • Program Languages: Computer programming languages allow us to give instructions to a computer in a language the computer understands. By which we can use the processing power of the computer to solve difficult problems in negligible time. Our company provides courses for several coding languages used for programming. Some of the most common languages include JavaScript, Python, C#, C++, and Ruby. Except for research fields, coding and programming careers have great earning potential.
  • 2-6 months MSc or Mtech Dissertation or Research Training: In the past, last decade University put 2-6 months MSc or Mtech Dissertation or Research Training courses to improve the technical and research skills of students. For this, we provide the best laboratory facilities at an economical price and also teach the basics of writing research articles, papers, and synopsis which will help them not only to get good marks but also enhance their skills and knowledge which help them to get a PhD seat in good Universities.

For Individuals

Biography Writing

The Authorsphere has a team of professional to write a biography in a perfect way to develop trust and credibility with the customers. A bio can help them increase their sales and position their brand as a strong player in the field. A powerful bio can help a job seeker bag their dream job or a self-employed professional get new clients. The Authorsphere helps them stand out from the crowd by highlighting their achievements, awards, and career background. For anyone who works with written content, a bio is a must. The Authorsphere helps them position themselves as knowledgeable in their fields and exhibit their work briefly.

Book Writing

Books can be invaluable sources for extended scholarly research and should be considered integral parts of the research arsenal. Apart from this book writing also help in increasing Academic Performance Indicator (API) scores which help you to achieve promotion or teaching jobs. The Authorsphere provides you with writing support under this service.

Publication of Books

The Authorsphere provides the services to help authors to publish their books and ebooks, from proofreading, book covers, book design, and ebook files, to printing. Publishing book is as difficult as their writing. Our company provides all technical support in their publications in reputed by publishing house. The Authorsphere team also helps in the allocation of an ISBN for your book when you decide to publish it.

For Publishers

Specification / Template Creation

The Authorsphere has a team of skilled graphic designers who are familiar with the best layout software to create and design in a captivating format. The Authorsphere team is experienced in layout services for books (Children’s books, Higher Education, Custom Publishing, Competition books) journals, magazines, directories, and business catalogs.

The team of Authorsphere consists of experienced layout designers. They create unique, compelling, and visually evoking templates structured with customized and fascinating illustrations. The Authorsphere team plan and develop the style guides and create project-specific style sheets as the project requires.

Copy Editing and Proofreading

The Authorsphere has a team of highly skilled copy editors and proofreaders for STM books and periodicals, skilled in both US and UK English, familiar with the international style manuals for standard copyediting services. They possess the ability to read, review, and edit manuscripts for accuracy in grammar and content. Edit copy to improve clarity and ensure content accessibility for the target audience. Oversee layout (artwork, design, photography) and check content for accuracy and errors.


The Authorsphere has a team of designers who efficiently format creative engaging books for primary, secondary, and senior secondary levels to deliver professional typesetting services. Our experienced designers employ original designs and high-resolution images while designing STM books and journals, B2B books and journals, Magazines, Proceedings, Recipe books, Law books, School books (K1–K12), Catalogues, Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, and Comic books to deliver optimum book typesetting services.

Research Support & Guidance

PhD Mentorship

Getting your PhD is difficult and can be very stressful. PhD students often struggle with emotional, social, and financial challenges during the program. Our mentors are a diverse mix of exceptional people. Some have juggled family life with research, while others have overcome mental health issues. They have all persisted to publish in high impact factor journals, building successful careers in data science, medicine, academia and more.

The Authorsphere also help their scholars in programming as well as in laboratory research.

Short-term Courses

Use of Statistical tools

Statistical methods are mathematical formulas, models, and techniques that are used in the statistical analysis of raw research data. The application of statistical tools help in extracts information from research data and provides different ways to assess the robustness of research outputs. Thus for any scholar knowledge of statistical tools is essential and we provide short term courses for statistical tools such as SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences); MATLAB (The Math works); statistical analysis via MS Excel; SAS (Statistical Analysis Software); Statistica and others.

Microsoft office

Microsoft Office, or simply Office, is a family of client software, server software, and services developed by Microsoft. In this course, we provide detailed knowledge about the use of all their software like MS Office, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, etc and also provide a certificate from recognized institutes which also help you in various getting jobs.

Presentations of research proposal/conference papers

It is public speaking in which a researcher verbally addressing an audience on a particular research topic. Many students have a problem regarding this. In this course, we improve the ability of scholar regarding communication so that he or she communicates relevant information effectively interestingly and engagingly.

PhD entrance interviews

Many students in India clear national or state level exams for PhD but even after such efforts they do not get a PhD in a good University due to their failure during an interview. In this course, we will enhance the communication and technical skill of PhD aspirants so that they will succeed. To remove their hesitation we also conducted mock interviews in which we invited subject experts.

Program Languages

Computer programming languages allow us to give instructions to a computer in a language the computer understands. By which we can use the processing power of the computer to solve difficult problems in negligible time. Our company provides courses for several coding languages used for programming. Some of the most common languages include JavaScript, Python, C#, C++, and Ruby. Except for research fields, coding and programming careers have great earning potential.

2-6 months MSc or M-tech Dissertation or Research Training

In the past, last decade University put 2-6 months MSc or M-tech Dissertation or Research Training courses to improve the technical and research skills of students. For this, we provide the best laboratory facilities on an economical price and also teach the basics of writing research articles, papers, and synopsis which will help them not only to get good marks but also enhance their skills and knowledge which help them to get a PhD seat in a reputed Universities.

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Janakpuri, New Delhi 110058

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